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  • Writer's picturekkoninkodesoolaral

Sonivox Pulse 1.2 VSTi: Tips and Tricks for Getting the Most Out of this Powerful Plugin

The Pianoteq product also has several built-in effects that include a convolution reverb that you can feed impulse files into. So you can play this piano in many different places just by loading a different impulse into the convolution reverb.

"In MIDI notes are measured in pulses rather than in time. The note start time and duration will be a discrete number of pulses. Pulses per quarter note can be found in the header part of the MIDI file and specifies how many midi pulses make up one quarter note. This is useful for determining note values - if the current PPQN is 96 and a note's duration is 48 we know that it's a quaver. It's also vital for determining the rate at which the MIDI file should be played. The tempo tells us how long each pulse should last. The BPM measures how many quarter notes happen in a minute. To work out the length of each pulse we can use the following formula: Pulse Length = 60/(BPM * PPQN)"

sonivox pulse 1.2 vsti


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